Waterfall Bay Park HONG KONG
Well well well - needless to say, 2020 has definitely been a stressful ride. As we are already in August, aka two-thirds of the year complete, Hong Kong has entered its third wave of the COVID-19 adventure. Although looking on the brighter side, we did have a period of 3 months where things were relatively normal within the Special Administrative Region; normal in the sense that restaurants, bars, spas, gyms, were opened once again and movement along with gatherings within the city was feasible. However, this was shattered about three weeks ago and now we are dealing with more than 100 cases every day and I am back to working from home!
Our lovely discovery of Waterfall Bay Park was made during the period of three weeks when things appeared to be back to normal. I am so glad Pierre and I did take the opportunity to explore the city more during the relaxed period because now we are back to social distancing mode and spending 90% our time at home.
Situated in Pok Fu Lam on the southwestern corner of Hong Kong Island, Waterfall Bay Park can truly be described as a hidden gem. I don’t think I’ve came across it at all in any of the lifestyle blogs during my “What to do this weekend” searches. We took a cab from our neighborhood Kennedy Town and arrived at the Park in about 15 minutes. Our driver dropped us off next to one of its many entrances that’s beside a large neighborhood of government housing units. The Park features a path along the waterfront with breathtaking views on one side and lush tropical plants on the other. At some points of the walk, there was a small hill with thousands of porcelain buddha statues implanted among the greenery. I did not take a photo out of respect!
Views from Waterfall Bay Park, Pok Fu Lam, HONG KONG
True to its name, the Park of course features a waterfall. Not sure if its a natural waterfall or part of the City’s sewage system (ew!), there is a waterfall at the base of the Park next to the rocky beaches and underneath a large luxury condo building. The water looked clear enough but during the later part of our walk, we did find large pumps next to the luxury apartment building that had the sign of the government’s water treatment facility on it. Nonetheless, a very visually appealing and unique spot!
Weren’t able to satisfy our taste for exploration, we decided to walk around the neighborhood more and attempt to travel north up to Cyberport. And boy I am glad we did! Although the strap on my right sandal broke, I managed to walk almost two miles to Cyberport.
After traversing some back of house terrain with metal steps and pipes from Waterfall Bay Park, we made it to a sidewalk path next to an elevated oceanside driveway. The views were divine! Because the path was on an elevated hill, we were able to enjoy gorgeous ocean views from a downward angle throughout the entire walk. One of my favorite views thus far in Hong Kong hands down.
After walking for about half-an-hour, we managed to arrive at Cyberport. I have never been to such an American styled development area in Hong Kong. I almost thought I was transported to a newly developed suburban upper class neighborhood in the US. No joke! Beautiful greenery with park benches along the beach side and scattered office buildings, town houses, and condos on the other side. It reminded me so much of Battery Park City that I thought I was transported back for a second. (I wish!!!) Would not be shocked to find a lot of American companies with offices there or a large American community at Cyberport.
By the way, I picked up a new hobby during COVID-19 social distancing times! Learning how to film and edit my own videos. Uploaded my first video on my youtube channel - it’s a compilation of highlighted footages of my afternoon at Waterfall Bay Park. Enjoy and please subscribe!