Brunch on a Boat! Grand Banks, NYC

Brunch on a Boat! Grand Banks, NYC

WanderingSnow is a storytelling-based lifestyle blog based in New York City run by Ellie Z. The name is derived from a combination of her interest in wandering discoveries through travel and food with her Chinese name Xue, which means snow.

Resident of New York City, Southern girl at heart, and Chinese roots in origin, this is a glimpse of her journey through the turns and corner of her late 20s onward! 

Guide to Choi Hung Estate in Kwun Tong HONG KONG

Guide to Choi Hung Estate in Kwun Tong HONG KONG

Known as one of the most instagrammable spots in the city, Choi Hung Estate in Kowloon is undoubtedly widely popular. However, did you know that there are quite a few other spots that are lesser well-known but definitely worth checking out on the same trip? 

Choi Hung Estate

Curious what the hype is all about, we made the trip to this highly-popular photo spot. Honestly, it’s quite underwhelming as the colors are not as vibrant as one may think from seeing it on the highly filtered instagram feeds. It probably only got its popularity because the large estate can be captured in a panoramic view through the community basketball court that’s on top of a parking lot. I can see how it could be a cool backdrop for a hiphop video but honestly, not worth the hype and effort if you ask me. 

Chi-Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden 

Lesser known compared to many of Hong Kong’s other sites, the Chi-Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden is a beautiful and tranquil Buddhist nestled 10 minutes walk from Choi Hung Estate. You can even spot the Estate from certain vantage points of the Buddhist nunnery. Traditional Chinese architecture complimented with a Bonsai Garden, this definitely is worth checking out! The sound of running water from its manmade waterfalls and pools channels out inner peace that is undoubtedly needed in this busy city!

Kwun Tung Promenade 

Hopping back on the Green Line (Kwun Tung Line) from Diamond Hill, where Chi-Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden is next to, we arrived at the Kwun Tung stop. The neighborhood has a mixed old-industrial building mixed with new developments that are home to financial companies. About 15 minute walk from the MTR station, the Kwun Tung Promenade provides a relaxing and less popularly known view of the Hong Kong island skyline. However, the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Park does block the view at some points, which is kind of annoying. 

The promenade is nonetheless very nicely built with teak-wood platforms and plenty of benches and grass areas to lay down and relax! 

Guide to Flower, Goldfish, and Bird Markets, HONG KONG

Guide to Flower, Goldfish, and Bird Markets, HONG KONG

Guide to Licha Village 黎槎村 from ZHAOQING

Guide to Licha Village 黎槎村 from ZHAOQING