Brunch on a Boat! Grand Banks, NYC

Brunch on a Boat! Grand Banks, NYC

WanderingSnow is a storytelling-based lifestyle blog based in New York City run by Ellie Z. The name is derived from a combination of her interest in wandering discoveries through travel and food with her Chinese name Xue, which means snow.

Resident of New York City, Southern girl at heart, and Chinese roots in origin, this is a glimpse of her journey through the turns and corner of her late 20s onward! 

Exploring The Mills in Tsuen Wan, HONG KONG

Exploring The Mills in Tsuen Wan, HONG KONG

If you enjoy local culture, design, and a splash of hipster vibe, then The Mills in the Tsuen Wan District of Hong Kong is the place for you! An hipster gathering spot with creative cultural retail, The Mills is a revitalized former textile manufacturing facility that also features an event space that focuses on textile and heritage art. 

Exploring The Mills, Hong Kong full vlog on my channel!

I’ve been to The Mills a handful of times during my little over two years in Hong Kong, and have to say it is one of my favorite “shopping malls” (although that term doesn’t seem to quite fit this place) in the city that is filled with so many. Compared to its peers such as PMQ and Tai Kwun in Central, The Mills’s glass ceiling and hallway structural design with its brand positioning provides a more inclusive and locally Hong Kong oriented experience.

Front Entrance of The Mills, Tseun Wan District, Hong Kong

And not to mention The Mills is a pet friendly spot so if you swing by on weekends you can bump into so many pet owners with their cute dogs all decked out in adorable outfits taking photos near the grand staircase in the main atrium! 

THE RETAIL - Creative and Hipster Focusing on Local Hong Kong Culture and Designs

I am so obsessed with quite a number of stores in The Mills! The selection of retail ranges from clothing to stationary to sustainable lifestyle shops. 

Garment 2 Garment

The first one I’ve seen of its kind, Garment 2 Garment has a special machine that makes new clothes from scrap cloths or old t-shirts and socks that no longer can be used. It’s a great way to upcycle old clothes and get a complete new sweater or shirt from it! 

Book B

Sadly, I believe Book B left The Mills in summer of 2021 but it was a great bookstore with an attached cafe in a Nordic decor style that featured independently published books in design, art, and cultural heritage. 


Similar to Slo-Wood, Pimary is a sustainable lifestyle store that features a lot of household items that are sustainably made. For example, I found a lot of baking supplies such as waxed paper, cupcake liners, etc. that I used to find in Wholefoods at Pimary. They also have an array of mugs, water bottles, and other kitchen items made from sustainably sourced wood or recycled materials. 


Last but not least, my absolute favorite store in The Mills! Because I’m such a stationery addict...any type of stationery product that has an ‘interesting’ design -interesting can embody a very wide range of factors, I just love going there to discover new items in their inventory. My absolute favorite are the Hong Kong Cha Chaan Teen series of stickers by Milkteaology featuring items like egg tarts, milk tea, noodles that are so unique to Hong Kong! 

Mille Feuille Signage at The Mills, Hong Kong

My amazing sticker collection by Milkteaology purchased from Mille-Feuille in The Mills, Hong Kong


Unbeknownst to me until the last time I went to The Mills, it has not only one outdoor space, but two! The first one being the deck, which features a small vegetable garden with some public seating. The more popular one is the rooftop on its top floor next to bars and burger joints. The rooftop features a lovely mural and open views of the Tsuen Wan District. It’s a perfect place to grab a beer and relax on a nice sunny day! 

Tsuen Wan Skyline Views from Rooftop of The Mills, Hong Kong


Similar to the deck, I did not discover the exhibitions by the Centre for Heritage Arts & Textile until my most recent trip to The Mills. It is such a delightful and well-put space that has permanent and temporary exhibitions and workshops. The one regarding the history of the building in which The Mills is located is particularly interesting. 

Nan Fung Textiles, the former manufacturing giant, was the home to the buildings that have now been revitalized and reopened to the public as The Mills in 2018. The exhibit gives an excellent overview of Nan Fung Textiles’ leading role in textile manufacturing and the impacts it has had on Hong Kong’s post-World War II economy. 

Permanent Exhibition on Nan Fung Textile History at the Centre of Arts Heritage & Textile at The Mills, Hong Kong

Textile Signage Made by Nan Fung Textile, The Centre for Arts Heritage & Textile, The Mills, Hong Kong

Founded in 1956 by Dr. Chen Ding Hwa, who moved to Hong Kong in 1949 after the Chinese Civil War, Nan Fung Textiles created products ranging from clothing to signage to flags and drapes that were often displayed during festive times, such as on the dragon boats for the Dragon Boat Festival Holiday. 

Besides the permanent exhibitions regarding the history of Nan Fung Textiles, the Centre also had a temporary exhibition featuring other types of weaving and textile production as well as a community arts and poetry display by local students. 

While it is a bit out of the way from Central, the Mills in Tsuen Wan District is definitely one of my favorite spots to spend an afternoon in Hong Kong. As a landmark revitalization project completed in 2018 - a destination consisting of business incubator, experiential retail, and nonprofit cultural institution, it definitely lives up to its vision and mission.It’s not only a great place to hang, relax, and get immersed in the local Hong Kong culture but also an amazing place if you are looking to find Hong Kong themed gifts and souvenirs for friends and loved-ones!

Main Atrium of The Mills in Tseun Wan, Hong Kong

Best Chinese Restaurant at Causeway Bay for Panfried Buns HONG KONG

Best Chinese Restaurant at Causeway Bay for Panfried Buns HONG KONG

Hong Kong Day Trips: Ma Wan

Hong Kong Day Trips: Ma Wan